Mr. M Maqsood

Contact Mr. Maqsood
Secretary: 01522 246698
BMI Hospital: 01522 578000

Planter fascitis

Planter fascitis (Heel pain) and shock wave therapy

planter fascitis is very trouble some condition, It can affect anybody, but mainly active fit people working with most of the time on their feet are very commonly suffering with sever disabling heel pain.

Typically getting up in the morning and unable to put the foot down on the floor is very common presentation. Conservative treatment including footwear modification, Painkiller and anti-inflammatory medication are sometimes helpful.

Exra-corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is new teatment modality, which is considered as very effective treatment. we recently acquired the  Equipment at BMI Hospital Lincoln, I have special interest in the conditions like planter fascitis, tennis elbow, Golfers elbow,  tendoachelles tendinosis.

I have started treating these patients with Shock wave therapy and has got excellent results  particularly in planter fascitis, tennis elbow and heel tendon tendinosis.

I am very pleased with the preliminary results, hope I will be able to collect data and publish the results in near future for the benefits of physicians and general public.

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